New Feature: Real-Time Monitoring
Real-Time Monitor for rpi-monitor: Update system status every 5 seconds. Two HTML layouts: change different layout via click Real-Time on navigation bar. Project on github: rpi-monitor Layout 1(default): Layout 2:
Real-Time Monitor for rpi-monitor: Update system status every 5 seconds. Two HTML layouts: change different layout via click Real-Time on navigation bar. Project on github: rpi-monitor Layout 1(default): Layout 2:
I recently switched my blog from Google Blogger to GitHub Pages, here is how I built my blog. I’ll go through the following: Install Jekyll on Raspberry Pi Setup Jekyll Theme Post a new article Images minimization Commit to GitHub Using Jekyll and Minimal Mistake build a blog and host on GitHub and Raspberry Pi(or Ubuntu). Requirements: Raspberry Pi(or Ubuntu) GitHub account Jekyll 2.2+ Minimal Mistake Grunt If you have no idea with these things, here are useful resources: How Jekyll Works Jekyll Installation Minimal Mistake Theme Setup GitHub Pages Getting started - Grunt ...
Use RRDTool monitor Raspberry Pi, include CPU temperture, Memory usage, Disk I/O, Network I/O… Install install packages $sudo apt-get install libcairo2-dev libpango1.0-dev libglib2.0-dev libxml2-dev \ librrd-dev python2.7-dev rrdtool python-rrdtool $wget $tar xf psutil-2.1.1.tar.gz $cd psutil-2.1.1 $sudo python install Download or clone rpi-monitor on github Setup Crontab By defualt, the cron.log is disabled in Raspbian. To enable it: sudo vi /etc/rsyslog.conf find the line and uncomment it. # cron.* /var/log/cron.log Restart rsyslog via: ...
nginx version: nginx/1.1.19, OS: Ubuntu12.04 Default nginx accepted body size limitation is 1MB. You can add client_max_body_size in nginx.conf. This parameter can put in http, server and location sections of configutation file. Enlarge body size to 10MB client_max_body_size 10M Or just disable it client_max_body_size 0 For example enlarge body size to 10MB Add to http section: $ sudo vi /etc/nginx/nginx.conf http { ## # Basic Settings ## sendfile on; tcp_nopush on; tcp_nodelay on; keepalive_timeout 65; types_hash_max_size 2048; client_max_body_size 10M; # server_tokens off; # server_names_hash_bucket_size 64; # server_name_in_redirect off; include /etc/nginx/mime.types; default_type application/octet-stream; ... } Or modify server and location section ...
WSGI Micro Framworks 這陣子一直在找適合的Micro Framwork玩第一次的Web Application. 最後選擇用Bottle, 原因是: Single file module, no dependencies with other library. Document 但是好不好用又是另一回事, 用了就知道..XD 以下是由WSGI.org列出的Micro Framwork: bobo Bobo is a light-weight framework. Its goal is to be easy to use and remember. Bottle Bottle is a fast and simple micro-framework for small web-applications. It offers request dispatching (Routes) with url parameter support, Templates, key/value Databases, a build-in HTTP Server and adapters for many third party WSGI/HTTP-server and template engines. All in a single file and with no dependencies other than the Python Standard Library. ...