Never Split the Difference

Debug, Debug, Debug…, Muscle Up Tips Week9 (03/02) 讀書心得 FBI談判協商術 積極聆聽, 鏡像模仿, 極端錨點, 開放型/測試型/校準型問題, 對事不對人, 每個人都怕失去, 成見使人盲目, 假設提供指引. The power of “No”, Three types of “Yes”, The power of “Right”, Emotion is one of the keys, Be Honest. Thinking fast and slow. Week10 (03/09) 網路資源 Chris Voss: Never Split the Difference Week11 (03/16) 網路文章 Android Treble: blessing or trouble? Diving into SDCardFS: How Google’s FUSE Replacement Will Reduce I/O Overhead ...

March 1, 2018 · 1 min · oopsmonk

cache not cash...

Android, Chinese New Year, blockchain, Cache miss Week5 (02/02) 這個月雖然有年假但比平常更忙! 結論: 放假不一定放鬆, 想專心做事 :-) 網路文章 Processor Pipeline Gallery of Processor Cache Effects Using Streamline to Guide Cache Optimization 參考這篇分析Kodi17.6影片播放時的L1/L2 cache access情況, 播放2160p影片時L1/L2 data ratios不高分別在0.046/0.18, 使用Kodi18更少分別為0.041/0.16. 另外Kodi18在記憶體使用上比17.6減少3.6%, cache miss 減少47~55%. Cache Refill Ratios算法 L1 data ratio: $CacheDataRefill/$CacheDataAccess L2 data ratio: $CacheL2DataRefill/$CacheL2DataAccess 網路資源 Blockchain Demo 大略的介紹blockchain, 簡單明瞭.

February 28, 2018 · 1 min · oopsmonk

Is there a shortcut?

Android, Algorithms Week1 (01/05) 讀書心得 Algorithms on Graphs - Week5 給出座標上n個點: 找出最短路徑(the shortest path) 分群(Clustering) 為Minimun Spanning Tree相關問題, 可以使用Kruskal’s MST Algorithm 及Disjoint-set 來解. for all u ∈ V : MakeSet(v ) X ← empty set // a set with solution edges sort the edges E by weight for all {u, v } ∈ E in non-decreasing weight order: if Find(u) != Find(v): add {u, v } to X Union(u, v ) return X Week2 (01/12) 網路文章 Android编译系统中的Android.bp、Blueprint与Soong ...

January 26, 2018 · 1 min · oopsmonk

Resolution and Revolution!

SEAndroid, Algorithms, Numpy Android N -> O 被自己的石頭砸到腳 對於晶片廠來說Android決解了軟體開發的問題, 也加速了ODM/OEM的開發時程. 沒錯…但對於手機/電視之外的應用..存在些問題. 另外差異化及客制帶來些不定時炸彈. Sepolicy for Android Treble 使用numpy array修改pixel values. 網路資源 Machine Learning 101 - Jason Mayes New year’s resolutions IELTS overall 6.5 Data Structures and Algorithms Specialization Master of Computer Science in Data Science

December 31, 2017 · 1 min · oopsmonk

Preparing a preparation?! It's nonsense...

SELinux, Arm Tech Symposia 2017 Taiwan, golang, IoT Week44 (11/03) 網路資源 Firmware Updates over Low-Power Wide Area Networks Enabling firmware updates over LPWAN ARMmbed/lorawan-fota-demo 滿有趣的問題, IoT建置會預期device要能長達10年的壽命, 但10年間的變化是很大的. Week45 (11/10) 網路文章 Android SELinux Treble Android O 為了加速產品開發, 在framework上有重大的改變, 使用了Treble. Vender, ODM, OEM有各自需要維護的partitions. Week46 (11/17) 網路文章 Neural fuzzing: applying DNN to software security testing 好奇其它的nural networks的應用, 常看到CNN. 網路資源 hacdias/filemanager 感覺不錯用的web filemanager, 目前很有活力, 送了一個PR不到1天就被merge了. 讀書心得 因為把玩hacdias/filemanager看了一下A Tour of Go在語法上還不太能適應, 不過還滿容易上手的, Method跟Interface的用法還要再研究一下, Concurrency也要花一點時間了解, 必竟concurrency是最大的賣點吧! 還有python使用上會有package dependency問題有點頭痛, golang編成binray的方式可以省掉這個麻煩, but 要如何方便的debug web front-end? 這可能要看一下go.rice. 但魚與熊掌仍不可兼得…package dependency, cross-platform, realtime debug. ...

November 24, 2017 · 2 min · oopsmonk

What's wrong with benchmarks?

ARM performance, Algorithms In fact, there is no universal benchmark tool. Week40 (10/06) 網路文章 Why do we learn algorithms? Why do we need so many sorting algorithms? Why do we need to learn different sorting algorithms when the STL sort function is already available to us in C++? 網路資源 The Algorithms 不同程式語言演算法的實現. every-programmer-should-know Data Structure Visualizations 演算法視覺化 Week41 (10/13) 網路文章 GPU Processing Budget Approach to Game Development GPU budget是估算處理1 pixel的cycle cost, 單位是cycles/frame/pixel 先估算fragment/vertex budget理論值再透過MGD分析當下的budget做比較, 如MGD算出來的budget較高, 表示GPU loading過重. ...

October 27, 2017 · 1 min · oopsmonk


Jigsaw Puzzle, Hidden layers, New SoC, Algorithm basics, HTC Week35 (09/01) 第一次完成520片的拼圖, 花了4個晚上的時間, 大約12小時吧?! 下次記得顏色鮮明的圖會比較愜意些. Week36 (09/08) 網路文章 Credit firm Equifax says 143m Americans’ social security numbers exposed in hack 在新聞公開前高層就己賣掉市值1.8m的股票!! 網路資源 Google Developer Documentation Style Guide Google公佈了內部文件撰寫的格式及注意事項. Neural Networks and Deep Learning - Week 3 Tuning hidden layer size iterations: 5000 learning_rate: 1.2 activation: sigmoid Accuracy for 1 hidden units: 67.5 % Accuracy for 2 hidden units: 67.25 % Accuracy for 3 hidden units: 90.75 % Accuracy for 4 hidden units: 90.5 % Accuracy for 5 hidden units: 91.25 % Accuracy for 20 hidden units: 90.0 % Accuracy for 50 hidden units: 90.25 % ...

September 29, 2017 · 3 min · oopsmonk