RPi vs i5-8250U

utarray benchmarking Week48~52 小筆記 bazel installation on Raspberry Pi Issue#1308 $ sudo apt-get install build-essential openjdk-8-jdk python zip unzip $ wget https://github.com/bazelbuild/bazel/releases/download/0.19.2/bazel-0.19.2-dist.zip $ mkdir bazel-0.19.2 && unzip ./bazel-0.19.2-dist.zip -d bazel-0.19.2 $ cd bazel-0.19.2 $ env BAZEL_JAVAC_OPTS="-J-Xms384m -J-Xmx512m" bash ./compile.sh 🍃 Building Bazel from scratch...... 🍃 Building Bazel with Bazel. .WARNING: --batch mode is deprecated. Please instead explicitly shut down your Bazel server using the command "bazel shutdown". INFO: Analysed target //src:bazel_nojdk (233 packages loaded, 10401 targets configured). Workaround for VS Code middle click paste. VS Code在Ubuntu裡滑鼠中鍵的複製貼上功能會造成看程式時的困擾 Issue#49305 It cause a problem when browsing source code in VS code, here is an alternative solution. Disable middle paste on Xubuntu 18.04 ...

December 1, 2018 · 2 min · oopsmonk

RPi Home

Test Google Asistant on Raspberry Pi. Week4044 (10/0110/31) 網路文章 Wi-Fi 6: What’s Different, and Why it Matters 網路資源 Raspberry Pi BT setup Turn your Raspberry Pi into homemade Google Home Google Asistant SDK Google Asistant SDK C++ 使用Python lib常常會當機改用C++比較沒問題, 但C++版本有限制API使用的次數, 無法長期使用.

October 14, 2018 · 1 min · oopsmonk

How many pointers you can have?

Pointers, again… How many pointers you can have? C89: 12 Week3135 (07/2908/31) 網路文章 What is the difference between const int*, const int * const, and int const *? Read it backwards (as driven by Clockwise/Spiral Rule): int* - pointer to int int const * - pointer to const int int * const - const pointer to int int const * const - const pointer to const int Now the first const can be on either side of the type so: const int * == int const * const int * const == int const * const ...

August 22, 2018 · 2 min · oopsmonk

Energetic People!

It’s blocks and no chain, keep fighting! Week2730 (07/0127) 網路文章 IOTA Summer Summit 2018

June 30, 2018 · 1 min · oopsmonk

Hell Yeah! Keep Fighting

More bad ideas + Generosity = Good ideas Week2226 (06/0129) 網路文章 Elon Musk emails employees about ’extensive and damaging sabotage’ by employee 樹大招風….但內部管理是否有問題? 溝通一直是最難處理的問題之一, 尤其是資訊不對等的情況下. 網路資源 esp32-websocket websocket component for esp-idf. 讀書心得 論文學習

May 29, 2018 · 1 min · oopsmonk

What Does The Fox Say?

Okinawa Churaumi Aquarium Kouri Bridge - The Longest Bridge in Okinawa Week1821 (05/0425) 網路文章 Students are being prepared for jobs that no longer exist. Here’s how that could change. NBC關於美國高中教育的深入報導, 提到現在的教育方式已經無法保證讓學生找到理想的工作,尤其是技職生. 文中提到几個點: 高中準時畢業的人有84%, 後來70%直升大學. 雖然學校盡力教導讓學生面對未來, 但學校也不知將來會是如何, 因為計劃跟不上變化. “We’re preparing kids for these jobs of tomorrow, but we really don’t even know what they are,” 2016年的調查, 只有34%的高中生(12th-graders) 對學習感到興趣. 公立大學(University of Massachusetts Lowell)1年的學費大約37萬台幣($12,496USD), 私立大學(Elmhurst College)學費約140萬台幣($47,121USD), 另一所公立大學(University of Minnesota)學費約91萬台幣($30,514USD). 另外自己查了一下哈佛大學每年學費138萬台幣(46,340USD), 以上都是只有學費, 如果加上宿舍及雜費大約是202萬台幣($67,580USD). 至2017年底美國的學貸已高達1.38兆美元, 房貸8.88兆美元, 信用卡債8340億美元. 53%大學生有學貸. Ref: https://www.newyorkfed.org/newsevents/news/research/2018/rp180213 醫護助理平均年薪67萬台幣($22,600USD), 2017年金融保險業年薪中位數約306萬台幣($102,510), 科技業約303萬台幣($101,430), 政府單位約295萬台幣($98,830), 所有職業中位數約113萬台幣($37,690). Ref: https://www.bls.gov/ooh/math/actuaries.htm#tab-5 網路資源 Linux Syscall Reference ...

May 1, 2018 · 1 min · oopsmonk


Algorithm, Blockchain, Coursera 真心推Coursera上的Data Structures and Algorithms Specialization, 挑有興趣的就好. 2017年底至今拿了4張Certifications, Algorithms on Graphs是比較有趣的課程. 其它3張是Algorithmic Toolbox, Data Structures, Algorithms on Strings Week14 (04/06) 讀書心得 Burrows-Wheeler Transform - data compression Cyclic rotation Sorting Last column Inverting Burrows-wheeler transform Mark the occurrence of characters Putting sorted bwt string to frist column Knuth–Morris–Pratt - string searching algorithm (or KMP algorithm) Suffix array - a sorted array of all suffixes of a string. Week15 (04/13) Week16 (04/20) Week17 (04/27) 網路文章 World’s first IOTA Smart Charging Station 哦哦哦!M2M. ...

April 30, 2018 · 1 min · oopsmonk