When I was switching from Vim to Neovim, I use The 300 line init.lua challenge and wbthomason/packer.nvim for the configuration. the Packer is working fine and has no big problems.

Recently, I switched to folke/lazy.nvim because it has some features that saving a lot of time for users frequently working on a new environment, like me.

  • Better TUI design
  • Automatically install missing plugins before starting up
  • Uses lazy-lock.json to track and restore plugins
  • Compilation is no needed after plugins changes

Packer and Lazy.nvim both are great plugin managers, and Packer is planning for big improvements on user experience and performance in Roadmap for Packer v2.

if you are new to Neovim:

if you don’t know which plugin manager to use, the creator of packer.nvim has moved to lazy.nvim at the moment


Packer Status

Lazy Home

Packer Profiling

Lazy Profiling