以前球隊在回防時, 教練總會說"快跑! 別回頭, 到定點再休息".
關於人生, 喘息點在哪兒? 我想就在滴水穿石之間!

Week7 (02/17)

發現minimal-mistakes上缺了繁中, 便開了個PR#838 沒想到很快就被merge, 效率真快.
試玩BeautifulSoup 寫了個簡單的ck101Comics.py用來下載卡提諾×揪漫畫.




  • Tuesdays with Morrie
    讀完The Classroom, 直到這章節都是在講Mitch離開大學後的生活及偶然聽到電視上提到Morrie, 師生俩如何再度搭上線. Morrie對Mitch有很深的情感, Mitch稱他為’Coach’.
    • “Dying,” Morrie suddenly said, “is only one thing to be sad over, Mitch. Living unhappily is something else. So many of the people who come to visit me are unhappy.” - The Classroom, p35.


  • POSIX Has Become Outdated
    透過libtrack觀察Andorid, OS X, and Ubuntu, 發現為了UX(user experience)與符合modern workload, 不同的OS實現原本不足且鮮少使用的POSIX abstractions, 其中IPC及Asynchronus I/O的部份更是被取代. 最後結論提到新的POSIX standard 需要著重於graphics, IPC, and threading.

Week8 (02/24)

照顧小孩真的很殺時間, 尤其是老婆出國時.
西班牙海鮮燉飯(Paella Marinera) 試了做一次, 覺得是道擺盤容易, 色彩豐富, 但想做的好吃要再練練的料理. 另外Tortilla de patatas整個失敗….




  • Pied Piper of Hamelin
    在Six-Way Paragraphs裡出現的文章, 台灣就像Hamelin, 年輕人努力找尋自己的Moravia. The major 就像是政府, 企業, 學校…等等.

    • Wisdom before experience is only words; wisdom after experience is of no avail. - Mark Van Doren
  • Tuesdays with Morrie

    • “I cry all the time now,” he said. “Never mind” - The First Thuesday, p51
    • “I mourn what I’ve lost. I mourn the slow, insidious way in which I’m dying. But then I stop mourning.” - The Second Tuesday, p57
      Self-pity 不一定是壞事.
    • “Sometimes you cannot believe that you see, you have be believe that you feel.” - The Second Tuesday, p61
      相信最深層, 最原始純粹的感覺.
