The Littlest JupyterHub - TLJH
The Jupyter project is a free software, open standards, and web services for interactive computing across all programming languages. It provides: Jupyter Notebook: the classic notebook interface JupyterLab: the next-generation notebook interface Voilà: share your results with a secure, stand-alone web applications. JupyterHub: the multi-user server for Jupyter Notebook and JupyterLab The littlest JupyterHub(TLJH): the simplest JupyterHub for a small group running on a single machine. Zero to JupyterHub with Kubernetes(Z2JH): Provides user-friendly steps to deploy JupyterHub on a cloud using Kubernetes and Helm. I was confused by the JupyterHub and TLJH since they can run on a single server with the multiple users feature but after reading The Littlest Jupyterhub by Yuvi ...